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藝術總監 - 陳美莉

​Artistic Director - Emily Chan Mei Lee


香港戲劇教育工作室創辦人及藝術總監、香港教育大學幼兒教育學系客席講師、香港中文大學宗教及文化研究系文化研究碩士及香港演藝學院戲劇學院一級 (榮譽) 藝術學士(主修導演)。


陳氏為幼兒戲劇教育專家,一直關注兒童及青少年之藝術發展。2008年開始從事中文及英語戲劇教育工作,乃一名資深的雙語戲劇教育工作者,合作過的中、小學、幼稚園以及志願、公營機構超過80間。陳氏亦為香港藝術節之合作伙伴,多年來為「青少年之友」(Young Friends)擔任英語藝術導賞,帶領學生以另類及嶄新的角度去分析和欣賞戲劇藝術。陳氏於2016年及17年開始帶領團隊與香港教育大學合辦藝術增潤課程(戲劇教育),亦經常獲大學邀請舉辦中、英文戲劇工作坊及擔任講者。2017年起正式擔任香港教育大學幼兒教育學系客席講師,教授課程包括:‘Drama for Enhancing Children’s Creativity’ 及 ‘Drama Education for the Early Years’。2019年及2020年陳氏兩度獲教育大學幼兒教育學系頒發傑出客席講師教學獎。


  除戲劇教育外,陳氏亦活躍於劇場,是集編與導於一身的戲劇工作者。陳氏近年參與的主要編劇及導演作品包括:香港展能藝術會《路・一起走》(首演、2019重演及大專學院2018巡迴)、廉政互動劇場《摘星定案》、香港電台《能者舞台非凡夜》、 香港善導會甦聲《破繭天使》、《論盡我阿媽》(首演及重演)、音樂劇《英雄本色》(首演、重演及學校巡迴)、香港中文大學《埗城物事》、國際綜藝合家歡 音樂劇《2047》、上海理想文化 音樂劇《我・小王子》、上海傲德傳媒 音樂劇《完美之作》、香港話劇團《EMI白金數據2之美麗新世界》、《巨SING傳奇》、音樂劇《EMI白金數據》、《Romeo & Juliet的戲劇教室》、《沒有顏色的國度》、《露絲的詭計》、《暖毛毛》、《迷失視域》、《消失了的眼睛》,《綠色賀新歲》、《靜香的抉擇》、《鐵路安全の達人》(幼稚園三度重演及小學四度重演)、Theatre Noir音樂劇《我「不」完美》(首演及重演),中英劇團《施家有喜》、《法律週演出 – 愛生事家庭》等等。

其他導演作品包括:中英劇團《密室貪污事件》、《少年Green的保源之旅》、音樂劇《Q版老夫子》(重演 – 執行導演)、《法律週演出 – 愛生事家庭》、焦媛實驗劇團《擋不住的偷情2013》、《陰道獨白》、《女上男下》(首演及重演),春天舞台 音樂劇《山水又相逢》、《兩個盛女一個墟》、《油麻地廟街懷舊風情同樂日》等等。

Miss Emily Chan is the founder and artistic director of Hong Kong Drama Education Studio Limited. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts’ School of Drama with a first-class honour, majoring in Directing, and thereafter furthered her studies in Chinese University of Hong Kong for a Master of Arts degree in Intercultural Studies.


A veteran theatre professional who has devoted herself in the field of drama education for almost a decade, Emily has worked with a variety of educational institutions, ranging from preschools to universities. In recent years, she has been a frequent collaborator with the Education University of Hong Kong in holding drama workshops and serving as a guest speaker. She is also currently a guest lecturer in the Department of Early Childhood Education. 


As an avid supporter of the integration of drama education into the local curriculum, Emily has taken the role of associate teacher of Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and held numerous professional development workshops to share her hands-on teaching experiences with teachers from local schools such as the Education University of Hong Kong Early Childhood Learning Centre, Sun Island English Kindergarten and Heng on Baptist Nursery School.


Along with contributing her talents in drama education, Emily has shown her enthusiasm and dedication in community work. Since 2012, she has been working hand in hand with Hong Kong Correctional Services Department in promoting anti-crime awareness through dramatic arts. The two productions in which she served as the director and playwright were both highly regarded and critically acclaimed.


Emily’s expertise in directing and script-writing is not limited to the local vicinity but is manifested with global-mindedness. Her repertoire—with a wide range of genres and themes—is a clear demonstration of her keenness in exploring and experimenting with innovative ideas.


Hong Kong Drama Education Studio Limited

Room 1539, 15/F, Block B, Profit Industrial Building, 1-15 Kwai Fung Crescent, 65-69 Container Port Road, Kwai Chung, NT

Tel: 2165 4749 / Fax: 3016 9682


Monday - Friday: 09:00am - 07:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 5:00pm​
Sunday: 9:00am - 7:00pm

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